Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sewing Quilts of Compassion

Attached is a link to an article about a lady named Betty Nielson. While watching the news footage on Septmeber 11th, she was moved to do something for the surviving families. There was a quote from the article that I would like to highlight. “I kept thinking, ‘These poor families, what can I do?” Nielsen recalls. “Well, I know how to do one thing—I can sew a quilt.”

“When we make these quilts, we put everything into it,” she adds. “I put all my love into it. And when I give it to someone, that’s what I’m giving them—I’m giving them my love in that quilt. When they wrap it around themselves, there’s just so much warmth and comfort.”

The project evolved into the Freedom Quilts Project with 1,500 quilts being delivered to New York City.

This is complete media. These quilts tell you everything about the feelings surrounding September 11th, the desire to help and protect and the patriotism surrounding these events.

What I like about this is the idea of something beautiful coming out of something needless and terrible. Also, it really shows the connectedness of all of us. How many times through history has something happened, and someone is there thinking what can I do to help. Then they realize they can help because they can sew. People have been sewing for a cause for hundreds of years and it is still happening today.


Lnk to the official web site

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