Monday, December 13, 2010

A Sewing Machine Lifts A Woman Out of Poverty

Let's get excited about sewing machines! It is amazing everything they can accomplish. They can make flowing dresses, hippie bags, little baby clothes and/or change the world! It turns out World Vision gives people the ability to purchase sewing machines in order to "lift women out of poverty." This idea of sewing to change the world is really catching on. The below quote is from World Vision.
"A sewing machine lifts a woman out of poverty. To a poverty-stricken woman or girl in a country like Zambia, Ghana, or Ecuador, the sewing machine you provide can be a doorway to a better life. You'll show a single mother, orphaned teen, or HIV-positive widow how she can make a decent living as a seamstress to support herself and her family."
How great is that. I have attached the link to the World Vision donation page for Sewing Machines.